- This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations. Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised. Click here for energy raising rituals.
- The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus for this Ritual. It is this Sigil here.
- The Runes that are done here can be vibrated around the center of the Sigil, where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
- Vibrate these Runes in a short version [i.e., do not draw the runic vibration on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that many vibrations]. Click here to pronounce the runes.
- This Ritual contains 220 Vibrations, which is a little over 2 circles of Mala beads. If you can't do that many, reduce the number of vibrations by half [e.g., instead of vibrating the Runes 10 times each, only do 5 vibrations].
O Great Sekhmet,
Sahmat, Sahmatu,
Great is your Power,
Queen and Lion Goddess.
The Joy of Satanas Assembly Venerates you with respectful and holy words.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Sahmat, Sahmatu,
Great is your Power,
Queen and Lion Goddess.
The Joy of Satanas Assembly Venerates you with respectful and holy words.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Your Mighty Jaws hold the power of all the Gods,
Lucifer is your Light,
Beelzebul is your Fearsome Fist,
All the Gods bow in front of your corrective power.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Lucifer is your Light,
Beelzebul is your Fearsome Fist,
All the Gods bow in front of your corrective power.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
You will set the wrongdoer in the right direction.
You will use your mighty force to punish the evildoer.
You will keep safe the Joy of Satanas assembly and the Children of the Gods.
You will set us on the Path of Maat and protect us.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
You will use your mighty force to punish the evildoer.
You will keep safe the Joy of Satanas assembly and the Children of the Gods.
You will set us on the Path of Maat and protect us.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
O Lady Sekhmet,
You are She who guides aright onto the Path of Maat,
Every one of us is protected by You,
You are the Enforcer of Justice and the Laws of Maat.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
You are She who guides aright onto the Path of Maat,
Every one of us is protected by You,
You are the Enforcer of Justice and the Laws of Maat.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
You are She who knows the Eternal Law.
You will protect the Leaders of the Joy of Satanas.
You will protect the Members of the Joy of Satanas.
You will lead us all onto the Path of Maat and away from wrongdoing.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
You will protect the Leaders of the Joy of Satanas.
You will protect the Members of the Joy of Satanas.
You will lead us all onto the Path of Maat and away from wrongdoing.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
The children gather around you for protection,
For you protect the holy and the innocent.
The Right Hand of the Gods are you,
The Enforcer of the dictates of Justice.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
For you protect the holy and the innocent.
The Right Hand of the Gods are you,
The Enforcer of the dictates of Justice.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Blessed and Venerated are you, O Lady Sekhmet.
Protected and Prosperous are the pious and the holy beneath your Rule.
Those who walk aright the Path of Maat are your beneficiaries.
You protect us from those who move against the Gods and their people.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Protected and Prosperous are the pious and the holy beneath your Rule.
Those who walk aright the Path of Maat are your beneficiaries.
You protect us from those who move against the Gods and their people.
[Focus on the Sigil willing this so.]
Vibrate the following Names 3 times: "Sehmet, Sahmet, Sahmetu, Sahamet"
Then affirm one time:
Blessed are we for Blessing you, Fearsome Lion Goddess Sekhmet,
For you have said of us: "I will protect the whole of the Joy of Satanas as my own children. I will reprimand the wrongdoers among them and set them again onto the Path of Maat so that their souls are saved and they become blessed again. I will bless those who are good to their spiritual family, and they will be my children who dwell in abundance."
And We the People will say of you, "Blessed is Lady Sekhmet in Her Divine Providence and in Maat's Eternal Name!"
Vibrate SATANAS AENAOS 10 times.
Then vibrate AUM once and affirm:
"Blessed is the Eternal Power of Sekhmet,
Grateful and Blessed are we through you, Great Lioness,
May Our Gods and we also be remembered in your Name forever."
Vibrate AUM once more to end the ritual.
Then vibrate AUM once and affirm:
"Blessed is the Eternal Power of Sekhmet,
Grateful and Blessed are we through you, Great Lioness,
May Our Gods and we also be remembered in your Name forever."
Vibrate AUM once more to end the ritual.
Final Step
After you are done with this, you can meditate on Sekhmet's energy. Let yourself be immersed and to receive energy from Sekhmet.
It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.
Ritual Notes
सत्: SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit.
The Symbol that Encapsulates the Sigil: The Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.
The Letters of the Sigil Inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Sekhmet's Name in arrangement.
Sigil for Focus: